bet9九州体育登录: (812) 513-1098 家事法事宜: (812) 725-8226

肯塔基州 & 印第安纳州商业律师

法律顾问是印第安纳州和肯塔基州大大小小的企业的一项投资.  你的外部法律顾问的质量可以决定你是在一个充满业务增长的繁荣年份,还是一个代价高昂的法律失误.  这就是为什么在选择新奥尔巴尼商业律师时明智地选择是很重要的.

The business attorneys at 教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律 are some of the smartest and most experienced in the region.  We are exceptionally responsive to our clients needs, 无论是起草时间敏感的合同和法律协议,还是制定宏观并购计划.  新奥尔巴尼的商业律师可以很容易地适应您独特的法律需求,并与您合作追求您的商业目标.  We work as an integral part of your leadership team.

在教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律, our commercial litigation attorneys 您是否愿意有机会与我们谈谈我们的法律团队如何支持您的企业实现其战略目标.  请随时拨打812-725-8224,以便我们开始对话.

A Skilled Business Attorney Can Impact Your Profitability

Business Law Attorneys – 印第安纳州 & 肯塔基州

一个有经验的商业律师不仅可以起草法律文件,还可以帮助指导商业领袖,使他们避免常见的法律错误.  在教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律, 当涉及到法律事务时,我们认为我们的角色是在你的进攻和防守双方.  We offer proactive consultation and legal advice, 调解及仲裁, real estate title services, ADA合规建议, 股东bet9九州体育登录, officers and directors liability guidance, 审判律师和其他法律bet9九州体育登录需要建立你的业务,并保持它顺利运行.

如果您的企业面临诉讼或与供应商发生纠纷,我们也可以担任辩护律师, 客户或雇员.  我们广泛的法律技能和经验使我们能够及时响应并根据您的独特需求量身定制法律bet9九州体育登录.  我们认为,当我们与企业合作并深刻理解他们的使命时,我们正在做最好的法律工作, goals and growth opportunities.

因为我们的业务就是为客户的成功而投资, our experienced business lawyer at 教堂, 兰登, Lopp, 在印第安纳州和肯塔基州,Banet法律可以为您提供一流的法律bet9九州体育登录,帮助您避免法律错误或挫折,从而影响您公司的盈利能力.

Services Offered by a CLLB Business Lawyer

Customized 商业法律bet9九州体育登录

我们提供广泛的法律bet9九州体育登录,可以在法律的一个或几个领域帮助您的企业.  Whether you’re a small business, a multi-generational family business, larger business or entrepreneurial start-up, 我们的新奥尔巴尼商业律师团队可以为您提供优质和定制的法律bet9九州体育登录Some of those we offer are:

  • Consultation and legal advice
  • 兼并与收购
  • 业务形成
  • 接班人计划
  • Directors’ and officers’ liability
  • 调解或仲裁
  • 税收筹划
  • 股东诉讼
  • 劳动法
  • 审判法律顾问
  • Contract drafting and review
  • 所有权的协议
  • 房地产 title services
  • 银行的关系
  • 业务许可
  • 供应链协议
  • 商业分区问题
  • Intellectual property matters
  • 减少法律责任.

在业务生命周期的每个阶段,您都将面临新的和不断变化的法律需求.  我们的目标是帮助您预测这些问题并积极解决,从而最大限度地减少您的法律责任,避免不必要的法律诉讼.  我们很乐意回答您关于我们的法律bet9九州体育登录和您的业务需求的任何问题.  Please call us at 812-725-8224.

A Business Attorney Can Also Initiate 诉讼

Business 诉讼 Attorneys

虽然没有企业想上法庭,但有时这是不可避免的.  当这种情况发生时, 一个经验丰富的商业律师能决定是快速做出有利的决定,还是拖得太久, 不理想的结果.  我们公司的商业律师致力于您的成功,可以在印第安纳州和肯塔基州提供帮助.  An explanation of some of our specific services follows:

  1. 施工索赔 – disputes over project delays, 调度, 有缺陷的设计, 未付款, 不可接受的工艺, 替代的材料, 或者成本超支

  2. Partnership/joint venture disputes – when the business association doesn’t go smoothly

  3. 房地产 -合并和收购, 商业交易, foreclosure defense/workout strategy, lease issues (both landlord and tenant), 抵押贷款, 集合操作, 土地使用纠纷, 许可证, 分区的批准, 不信奉国教的使用, 重新规划, 和方差

  4. 商业侵权 ——欺诈, tortious interference with contract, tortious interference with prospective business relations, 盗窃商业秘密, 商业诽谤, 误传, 不公平竞争

  5. 就业要求 -比如工资, 小时, 安全, employment status (at-will versus independent contractors), 招聘, 终止, 歧视, 和隐私

  6. 反垄断索赔 – when competitive conduct gets out of control

  7. 消费者保护 -关于企业如何做广告、促销或销售产品的欺诈指控

  8. 违反信义义务 –typically involving trustees, 公司董事, commercial joint venturers, 投资顾问公司, and retirement plan administrators

  9. 股东的问题 – may involve conflicting business interests, breach of directors’ duties, lack of proper financial reporting, 内幕交易, 和更多的

  10. 知识产权(IP) –claims arising over ownership of valuable assets such as trademarks, 版权, 设计的权利, and patents; also IP being used without permission, employees’ sharing secrets with competitors, and violations of non-disclosure agreements

  11. Uniform Commercial Code issues – regarding business transactions conducted outside a company’s state, such as establishing contracts, 借钱, 租赁设备, 销售商品

  12. 接班人计划 -在一个家庭中,所有权从一代有序地转移到下一代, or decisions related  to leadership when a current leader retires

  13. Supply chain agreements and negotiations – when selecting suppliers and distributors, a skilled attorney can negotiate and draft these provider agreements.

如果你最大的需求是合同起草和审查或法庭诉讼, 我们经验丰富的商业律师可以满足您的法律需求.  请致电812-725-8224,以便我们回答您的问题,您可以了解更多关于我们律师事务所如何为您bet9九州体育登录的信息.


Legal Predicaments That Businesses Want to Avoid

Identify 潜在的缺陷 & 解决方案

当商业律师能够帮助你的公司避免代价高昂的法律错误时,他们就能真正证明自己的价值.  有时,商业领袖们不知不觉就陷入了法律困境.  我们在教会的目标, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律是帮助你尽早识别法律流沙并绕过它.  Some of the most common legal mistakes we see businesses make include:

  1. Failing to set up the right business structure/entity

  2. Incomplete contracts with outside vendors and suppliers

  3. 未能对员工进行适当的背景调查和移民文件

  4. Failure to follow business tax laws

  5. Waiting too long to get needed licensing and 分区的批准

  6. Failure to have a privacy policy

  7. Not setting up terms, conditions and warranty exclusions with customers

  8. 没有与离职员工签订竞业禁止协议或保密协议

  9. 没有记录开支

  10. Non-compliance with securities laws

  11. Not securing the appropriate insurance policies

  12. Failing to hire a business attorney.

The best offense is a good defense.  我们新奥尔巴尼的商业律师明白,当涉及到法律问题时,一盎司的预防胜过一磅的治疗.  By surveying your business horizon and anticipating legal obstacles, 我们公司 can keep your business out of challenging legal dilemmas.

A Business Lawyer Is Your Partner with Similar Goals

Keeping Your Businesses’ Interests in Focus

在它的核心, 外部顾问和蓬勃发展的企业之间的关系是一种持续的关系,在这种关系中,律师事务所投资于其商业客户并接受他们的目标. 教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律 can handle one-time legal needs for businesses, 我们很高兴这样做.  我们的首选机会是与商业客户建立和培养持续的关系,并作为合作伙伴实现他们的成功和成长梦想.  We get deep satisfaction in knowing that we helped bring these about.  Whether your company’s legal needs are large or small, 我们的商业律师可以充分利用您在印第安纳州或肯塔基州遇到的每一个法律机会.


”We recently worked with Mr. Lopp on a personal matter, and a business matter. He was very professional, prompt, and answered all of our questions. Both matters could not have been handled better. We will definitely be using Mr. Lopp for any future attorney needs.——香农·科普夫 (谷歌审查)


Licensed to practice in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, Steve 兰登 is an experienced elder law and trial attorney. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, and advanced directive planning, including living wills and health care surrogate designations. [ 律师生物 ]






    Contact a Skilled 新奥尔巴尼 Business Lawyer Today

    在教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律, 我们很高兴有机会开始讨论我们如何能够满足您企业独特的法律需求.  We want to learn more about how we can help you achieve your short-, intermediate- and long-term goals. Whether it starts with a phone call or an in-person meeting,

    我公司一位新奥尔巴尼的商业律师很乐意坐下来多了解你, your leadership team and your strategy for success.  请今天致电812-725-8224,作为开始对话的第一步. We are deeply honored to have the opportunity to talk.